Want to learn more before you sign up? Read the full program details here, or check out our FAQ’s page. Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Fields marked with an * are required First Name * Last Name * Email * Sign up for our BCCF e-newsletter? Phone * Postal Code * Divider Ethnicity label Black Creek Community Farm is led by people experiencing marginalization in the food system (i.e. Black, Indigenous, people of colour, and/or newcomer communities). We are asking the question below to understand better who is accessing our programs and to report back to our funders. These racial categories come from the City of Toronto. Source: http://torontohealthequity.ca/wp-content Please select the option that describes you best: African/Black/Caribbean Asian Indigenous White/European/Caucasian Middle Eastern Pacific Islander Latinx Persons of Colour Divider Copy Household statistics label The following demographic questions are for the farm's internal statistical purposes. Please put a number in every category so the form will complete, even if it is a zero. Thank-you.How many people in your household are between the ages of: 0-12? * 13-29? * 30-64? * 65+? * Divider Copy Copy How did you hear about the Harvest Share? * --- I was a member before Friend or colleague Tabling / presentation BCCF event Print material (poster, brochure, postcard) Facebook BCCF website Email Media (newspaper, online news) Can't remember Other Divider Copy Pickup Location Black Creek Community Farm Big Carrot, 348 Danforth Ave Choose to pickup at Black Creek Community Farm (4929 Jane Street) between 2pm and 7pm on Thursdays (or late pickup on Friday 9am to 5pm, and Saturday 9am to 11am);Or choose to pickup at the Big Carrot (348 Danforth Ave) on Thursday between 2pm and 7pm. Note that at this location there is no opportunity to trade items, the bags will be pre-packed, and no opportunity to pick the bag up at a later time than the pickup window. Divider Copy Copy Pickup Frequency * --- Bi-Weekly (10 weeks) Weekly (20 weeks) Divider Copy Copy Copy Sliding Scale Price * --- Accessible Price: $23/week Regular Price: $30/week Supporter Price: $37/week Divider Copy Copy Copy Copy Copy Payment Schedule * --- In full In 2 Installments Divider Copy Copy Copy Copy Copy Divider Copy Copy Copy Copy Copy Copy Payment Method * Pay now online with credit card Register my information and I will mail/deliver cash or cheque Auction winner Break If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty.