When is the exact start date?

The first pick-up is scheduled for early to mid June, depending on spring weather and growing conditions. Closer to June, we will contact all members to confirm the exact start date.  Note that bi-weekly members are divided into two streams, so if you are picking up bi-weekly you have a 50/50 chance of starting one week later than someone who picks up weekly or someone from the other stream.  

What can I expect each week?

Our crop plan is designed to ensure a diversity of vegetables every week. However, during peak harvest periods for specific crops, you may receive a repeated item for several consecutive weeks. This usually happens with crops such as tomatoes, kale, and zucchini. However, we strive to ensure that each weekly share includes a balanced mix of root crops, leafy greens, and fruiting crops!

What if there is a week when I cannot make the pick up?

We understand life happens. If you cannot pick up one week, we encourage you to send a friend to pick up for you! Otherwise, please let us know in advance. We will pack your produce and store it in our walk-cooler. You can pick up your bag on Fridays from 9 am to 5 pm, or on Saturdays from 9 am to 11 am. However, we encourage everyone to pick up on Thursdays, since we do not have the capacity to pack and store a large volume of produce bags. 

Do you source produce from other farms?

All the produce in our Harvest Share program is grown on the farm.  The only exception is if we have a major crop loss due to weather, pests or disease.  If this happens, only organic produce will be purchased in, and the purchased vegetable and its source will be clearly indicated at the weekly pick-up.