Ohemaa Boateng, Executive Director of Black Creek Community Farm, is honored to contribute to the 2024 Toronto Vital Signs Report, highlighting the deepening issues of poverty and vulnerability in Toronto. The report reveals that close to half of the city’s population now earns below a living wage, with over 2.7 million residents facing financial hardship—an increase of 700,000 since last year.
The combination of low wages and rising living costs means that many Toronto residents are unable to access or afford nutritious food, leading to a growing dependence on food banks, which are already overextended. This crisis is particularly impactful for low-income and racialized communities, who often lack the resources to grow or control their food systems, increasing their vulnerability and challenging their food sovereignty.
Local food initiatives like Black Creek Community Farm, led by Ohemaa, are critical in addressing these issues. Through programs that empower communities, advocate for affordable food, and support sustainable practices, Black Creek Community Farm is dedicated to advancing food sovereignty and influencing policy to create a more resilient food system for all.
BCCF is grateful to the Toronto Foundation and all partners involved for amplifying these urgent needs in the Vital Signs Report. Together, there is hope for a city where every resident can access nutritious food and a fair chance at a healthy life. Read the full Vital Signs Report here: [Link to the report]
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