Hello, my name is Joshua Ndikumana, I’m a current student at York University completing my course placement requirements at Black Creek Community Farm. At the Farm, I will be joining the Market Garden team and will volunteer with my crew members to help the farm where I can. In the past I have worked around food maintenance and handling as I worked in a grocery store for a few years. I got experience with food packaging, security and safety. Additionally, my time in the grocery business gave me the desire to learn where the produce comes from, how it is made and the process from seed planting to being sold in the market. As a child I had visited farms on school trips and it sparked my interest towards the process of both animal care and crop maintenance. As a black child growing up in Toronto, I witnessed people within low income communities struggle to find good nutritional food due to the lack of needed resources and support from the City. Therefore, it was easy to make the decision to work with BCCF when I learned that they firmly believed and fought for food justice and equal opportunity. Hence, I decided that I wanted to work with BCCF not only because I will learn new things and acquire more skills but I will also be helping communities in need. I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to work with BCCF and will be looking forward to working with them and hopefully be leaving the farm as a new person with new-found skills and acquired knowledge.
-Joshua Ndikumana