Our Urban Harvest team has been doing amazing work to reduce food waste through educational workshops and demonstrations on food preservation, diverting the fruits and vegetables surplus growing in our neighbour’s backyards to local food banks, and sharing tips and tricks on how to repurpose our food scraps into delicious meals. We appreciate Vidula, our new Urban Harvest Educator, who played a key role this summer in this work and is one of the many faces of Black Creek Community Farm.
Meet our Urban Harvest Educator, Vidula!
Hi, my name is Vidula. I am a Farm Educator at Black Creek Community Farm. Before starting this job, I have been volunteered with BCCF for 4 years as a Market Garden Volunteer and Urban Harvest Community Leader.
I was born in India and grew up with my granny, so I was lucky to be able to learn all the skills that grandmothers are known for. I can do basic stitching, embroidery, knitting, and making lace. I have an educational background in Food and Nutrition. Over the last 15 years, I have been a supply teacher with the York School Board. However, I’ve enjoyed volunteering and now working on the farm more and more every day because it is exciting to interact with the staff, who share the same passion, volunteers, visitors, kids, and seniors who have the curiosity and interest in connecting to nature, food, and farming. My goal in life is to give back to my community by educating residents on how to make simple but nutritious meals with everyday grocery staples.
My passion is sharing my knowledge about growing and eating healthy food. This job at BCCF has allowed me to follow my dream, which is to teach everyone to cook and eat healthy food practically without spending a lot of money. I enjoy teaching the community various preservation techniques to prevent fresh produce from going to waste. I make all different kinds of pickles using a variety of Indian spices and offer them for tasting at the farm stand every Thursday.
I want to learn more about succession planting and what farming looks like in the winter. I hope the BCCF can one day have a well-equipped community kitchen at the farm so our community workshops can reach more people.
Overall, this farm keeps me fit and makes me feel rich in my heart!