Shown in the photo is Anne Marie Walters and her team running one of the local food banks
BCCF’s Urban Harvest Program, a partnership with the City of Toronto’s Community Reduce and Reduce Programs, is proud to share that in 2022, we collected and redistributed 2,907.6 Kg of produce to 5 food banks and 3 community programs within the Black Creek neighborhood. This produce was collected from backyard growers, community gardeners, Black Creek Community Farm market garden surplus, and fresh produce from the New Farm with support from the McCutcheon Foundation.
Food banks noted a significant increase of 30-50% in the number of clients accessing their services since the pandemic started, and it has not decreased since. Close to 700 households benefited from the fresh produce that was channeled through the Urban Harvest program and delivered to the community food banks last year.
Food security is a constant struggle for our low-income community, and is exacerbated by rising inflation, unaffordable housing, and the increasing cost of living. The role of food banks remains critical in meeting the short-term needs which have turned long-term for many families in the Black Creek community.
Food insecurity is a complex issue and needs systemic change. BCCF continues to work with FoodShare and other organizations to advocate for systems, program and public policy change aimed at long term solutions for eliminating poverty and food insecurity.
Thank you to all the farm staff and volunteers who helped in the coordination, harvesting, collection and drop off of these produce!
If you grow vegetables and have fruit trees and live in the Black Creek Community, you can donate any surplus produce you may have to the Urban Harvest Program. Please email: urbanhavest@blackcreekfarm.ca